Britain’s House of Commons signaled a fervent opposition to a no-deal Brexit. Although there are many negatives in the aforementioned statement, in essence the Conservative Parliament favor a no-deal Brexit, effectively meaning that the UK will leave the EU regardless if a deal is reached.
Concerns in the country surrounding the last leg of Brexit negotiations include the projected negative effect on the British economy.
The country might experience stockpiling of foods which are certain to be taxed higher after the UK leaves the EU and unimaginable cross-border lines, as the UK’s departure from the European Union will decimate the free-flow between borders on member nations.
Lawmakers will only be able to stop a no-deal Brexit from moving forward is for Prime Minister Theresa May’s plan to pass in an additional Parliamentary vote, for a new exit plan altogether to be backed by the majority of the British Commons or the case that the Parliament passes a motion to delay Brexit entirely.
It is projected that May will wait until closer to exit day to present her deal to the Parliament in order to force them to make a decision, or rather ultimatum, to decide on a Brexit deal.
Other projections suggest that a vote to delay Brexit entirely is the more viable option. On top of the bureaucracy from the British government, the head of the EU in Brussels will force the country’s hand to determine the final outcome of Brexit.
EU lawmakers will gather next week for a final summit before the official Brexit date. UK lawmakers will need to make a decision as to the terms of Brexit (or no deal) before then.
The no-deal motion is currently being amended across party lines in the House of Commons. With the exception of the Tory party, the general sentiment suggests that a no-deal Brexit is a bad idea.
Some members of Parliament are suggesting a second referendum, which might mean the cancellation of Brexit altogether. This is unlikely, but then again, so was Britain’s departure from the European Union in the first place.